The home page and e-mail lists include only people who have asked to be here. Fill out the form below or send mail if you want to be included. Please include the information requested below. (Please be patient! This page is only updated every few months. If you are concerned about privacy, please keep in mind that after your name is added, anyone who searches the Internet for your name is likely to receive a link to this page.)
Form removed. I'm sorry, I have not had time to maintain this page for several years, and the form was mostly used by spammers anyway.
Here are some links to use for finding LGBQT vegetarians using various search engines. Feel free to submit additions or improvements to these search links.
On "Vegetarian Potluck" chat room, Thursdays from 8:00 to 9:00 P.M., Pacific time.
On Gay Vegans and Vegetarians Club and Gay Veggies Club
On The Gay Vegetarian and Vegan People Community
Los Angeles, California: VegLA, also known as Passion Fruits, is a group of gay, bisexual, lesbian, transgender, and GLBT friendly people who enjoy gathering for monthly potlucks at members homes.
San Francisco Bay Area, California: QueerNet email list for Gay and Lesbian Vegetarians -- Northern California. Click here for more information or to subscribe.
San Francisco/East Bay, California: Lesbian Vegetarians Unite! Do you feel alienated and isolated among your carnivorous friends? Do you long for the support of those who share your ethical ideals? If so, join us for ongoing lesbian vegetarian meetings in the East Bay and San Francisco. Diversity welcome. For more information, write to
Chicago, Illinois: Chicago GLBT for Animal Rights is a place for local GLBQT people to come together and share info, learn, grow and feel community within 'the community'. One goal if to form a local group to educate and promote a cruelty free Chicago, but non Chicago people are more than welcome to join the discussion and take part.
Boston, MA: The G/L/B Vegetarian Society meets twice a month for potlucks, restaurant outings, coffeehouse gatherings, or picnics. For more information, contact Bill at (617) 625-6918.
York, NY: "VegOut is a social group for gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgender, and queer-friendly vegetarians and vegetarian wannabees."
The VegOut vegan potluck is held on the fourth Sunday of each month, and don't miss the VegOutings to local restaurants. For more information, call the recorded message at (212) 802-8655, or write to P.O. Box 6360, NYC 10128-0006. You can also join the Vegout e-mail group.
Salt Lake City, Utah: GSARA is the Gay/Straight Animal Rights Alliance, working to promote the awareness and advocacy of a culture free of sexism, racism, heterosexism, speciesism, anti-Semitism, and oppression based on class, religion, age, ethnicity, national origin, or disability.
Seattle, WA: EarthSave Seattle has quarterly gay and lesbian vegetarian potlucks. The contact person is Christa at (206) 322-6467.
London, UK: The Vegetarian and Vegan Gay Group is an informal social and support group that holds monthly picnics and other social events. Their website includes listings of other organizations in Great Britain and around the world.
Yorkshire, UK: Yorkshire Gay Vegetarians helps members to enjoy good food, make new friends, and enjoy trips out.
Sydney, Australia: Ecogirls is a new social and activist group of vegetarian lesbians. "We are 'physically' based in the Sydney metropolitan area but virtually based everywhere." Write to Lynda for more information.
Perhaps in a community near you: Radical Faeries are not exactly a vegetarian organization, but they are most definitely queer, and most faerie events in many locations are vegetarian or at least veg-friendly.
And last, but not least: I simply can't resist adding Nude Man Carrot's amazing veggie porn site.
Please send mail if you have information that should be added to this list.
Except as noted, the following folks appear on both internet lists of famous vegetarians AND gay/lesbian/bi celebrities. Those who are listed as "once" may not identify as gay or lesbian, but have acknowledged having had at least one homosexual experience in their lives. (Additional lists of famous queers are here and here.)
The following also appear on both lists referenced above, but they are listed as "supportive" of gays and lesbians; they may or may not actually be queer.
The following individuals have been intentionally omitted from this list, for the reasons given below!
For LGBQT links, try InfoQueer or The Other Queer Page. And The Vegetarian Pages include all the vegetarian links you could possibly want. Probably.
QueerRing site
is owned by Brett.
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